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Features of Snow Removal Services

Snowfall can cause business to stop entirely for owners of office buildings, restaurants, and retail stores. A professional snow removal service saves time and money, eliminates payroll expenses, and reduces equipment investment.

Most cities dispatch vehicles with both plows and salt trucks to clear streets and sidewalks. Adding salt to melting snow lowers the freezing point and prevents ice formation, keeping people and vehicles safe.


Snow removal services help prevent injuries to customers and employees by keeping walkways, driveways, and entrances free from obstruction. They also monitor roof snow loads and remove them regularly to minimize damage to structures like buildings and carports.

Shoveling snow is a labor-intensive job that can cause back and neck strain, which leads to expensive medical bills and lost work hours. Professional snow removal services Kent have the equipment to handle the task quickly and efficiently, saving you time and money on potential health expenses.

Clear roads allow commuters and emergency services to move unimpeded during winter storms. Snow removal services maintain cleared roads so people can reach their destinations safely, and public transportation systems like buses and tubes can operate normally. This is vital for community well-being because it permits businesses to continue operating and people to receive necessary services. It also lowers the danger of liability for homeowners and municipalities.

Saves Time

Snow removal services save time for both commercial and residential property owners. Shoveling snow is very labor-intensive and can also be very dangerous. This work is best left to professional snow removal experts using specialized equipment like snow blowers and plows to clear away large piles quickly.

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Commercial snow removal services also help businesses stay open and functioning during winter storms. Snow and ice can easily hinder traffic flow on sidewalks and parking lots, leading to fewer customers or lost productivity. Regular snow removal prevents these issues, helping maintain a positive image and customer loyalty.

Many companies offering snow removal services offer either per-occurrence or full-season contracts. The former charges a fixed price for the entire season, while the latter has the customer sign up before each winter event and receive services as needed. This contract saves customers money, as they are not charged for every snow event.

Saves Money

Professional snow removal services provide cost-effective solutions that are often less expensive than hiring an employee to perform the job. Plus, by using proper equipment for clearing snow, they can complete the job more quickly and efficiently than someone using a shovel or blower.

Snow removal services can save money by prioritizing where to clear the snow. Parking areas, main entrances and exits, and most frequently used walkways get plowed first. Roads heavily traveled by buses and other public transit vehicles are also prioritized.

Before signing up for snow removal services, ensure you know what is included in a service estimate. In their quotes, many companies will consist of plowing, salt or ice melt, and roof clearing. 

Reduces Liability

Snow removal services protect property owners from slip-and-fall lawsuits when someone falls on lingering snow or ice. Snow removal companies typically use a combination of plowing, scraping, sweeping, and applying rock salt or sand to clear surfaces and prevent them from refreezing. They also frequently revisit areas to remove snow and ice as it accumulates, ensuring that any slippery hazards are eliminated.

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Managing snow and ice also contributes to business productivity by facilitating employees’ access to their place of employment. Employees who have to battle through heavy winter snowfall are less likely to be productive on the job, which can lead to decreased profits for businesses.

Ask potential snow contractors whether they have liability insurance and what their coverage limits are. They should also provide proof of training, which may help prevent claims by insurers for property damage or personal injury. This training should be formal and include both theoretical and practical components.