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The Benefits of Investing in a Building Monitoring System for Snowy Weather

Building management systems, or BMS, allow for more proactive maintenance and energy efficiency. This can save business owners and tenants money regularly by avoiding costly repairs or equipment failures.

Read on to find out how a more intelligent building monitoring system can help your property thrive during the cold weather.

Reduced Property Damage

Winter weather can do a lot of damage to your property. Being unprepared for the cold can lead to various problems, including roof collapses, broken pipes, etc.

Investing in a building monitoring system can help you avoid these problems. Not only will the system automatically detect issues such as freezing pipes, but it will also alert you to energy use issues. This makes it possible to make adjustments quickly and effectively, saving you time and money.

Although the winter months can be challenging for both businesses and employees, preparation is critical to being prepared for when a storm comes. It can lower expenses, boost efficiency, and enhance customer service while being safer for you and your staff.

 With these benefits in mind, it’s clear that investing in a building monitoring system is an excellent way to get prepared for snowy weather.

Increased Safety

Investing in a building monitoring system for snowy weather can have significant benefits. One of the biggest advantages is that it’s a great way to keep your employees safe while on the job. For example, the system can alert you to potential hazards so you can address them quickly and effectively. Also, the technology can help you avoid common wintertime injuries like slips and falls by making it easy for your team to report a fall or other injury using mobile reporting apps.

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Lastly, the system is a great way to monitor your buildings from a distance so you can identify any issues and fix them before they cause more damage. 

Lower Energy Bills

In colder areas, winter weather can challenge business owners and facility managers. They must ensure their buildings are properly insulated to protect against the elements and keep energy costs low while operating. A BMS can help maintain proper HVAC tuning and reduce energy use through automation. The system also monitors energy usage in real-time to identify any drift, which can be corrected before the problem gets out of hand. This helps save money on utility bills, significantly benefiting business owners and facility managers. Moreover, businesses that try to monitor and prepare for severe weather also demonstrate their commitment to safety for workers outside the building.

Increased Efficiency

A building monitoring system (BMS) can reduce energy costs through intelligent automation. It can flag excessive heating and cooling equipment use, triggering an automatic response that can save hundreds or thousands of dollars annually. It can also maintain HVAC tuning, responding to drift in real time so the building can continuously operate optimally. The cost of BMS systems has decreased in recent years as new technologies have enabled installing wireless sensors and controls that don’t require hard-wired connections. This means BMS installation can be more affordable than before, especially for smaller buildings. It can also help prevent ice buildup on windows and snow damage to exterior surfaces. This is an essential aspect of building maintenance.

Increased Tenant Satisfaction

Building monitoring systems can give tenants objective insights into how things are running. They can tell if there are issues with HVAC systems, lighting, air quality, etc. They can even let you know when there’s a problem before it happens, giving you more time to fix it and keep your tenants happy.

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Tenant satisfaction is a top priority for property owners, and one of the most critical components of that satisfaction is a sense of control over their surroundings. An intelligent building monitoring system lets you do that by providing an easy-to-use interface, allowing tenants to personalize their settings, check the quality of their air, and more. It also enables you to monitor your assets in real-time and notify you if there’s an issue before it causes an equipment failure or high utility bills. The best building monitoring systems can make your life easier while giving you a competitive edge. Be sure to ask for a free demo to see how they can make your life easier and increase your tenant satisfaction.